Hotels in Australia's North West

Climate chart

TemperaturePrecipitationMin-TemperatureMean-TemperatureMax-TemperaturePrecipitationJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec5 °C10 °C15 °C20 °C25 °C30 °C35 °C40 °C0 mm12 mm24 mm36 mm48 mm60 mm72 mm84 mm

Find Places to Stay in Australia's North West

Discover the rugged beauty of Australia’s North West, from the stunning Kimberley region to the ancient landscapes of the Pilbara. Visit the world-renowned Bungle Bungles, witness the incredible tide changes at Horizontal Falls, or explore the rich Aboriginal culture and art. With its vast landscapes and unique wildlife, Australia’s North West offers a truly unforgettable experience.

Australia’s North West region, comprising the Kimberley and Pilbara, is known for its stunning landscapes, rich Aboriginal culture, and pearls. Visit the Bungle Bungle Range in Purnululu National Park, the rugged gorges of Karijini, or the Horizontal Waterfalls in Talbot Bay. Witness ancient rock art, cruise along the Ord River, or relax on Cable Beach in Broome. The region’s wilderness adventures and cultural experiences make it truly unique.

Tourists visit Australia’s North West for its stunning landscapes, indigenous culture, and wildlife.


Find valuable information in our FAQs section below to enhance your Australia’s North West experience and make the most of your time discovering the awe-inspiring landscapes.

Must-see attractions in Australia’s North West include the Bungle Bungle Range in Purnululu National Park, Horizontal Falls in the Kimberley, Cape Range National Park, Karijini National Park, and the Ningaloo Marine Park.

Australia’s North West offers scenic helicopter tours and scenic flights, providing aerial perspectives of the region’s stunning landscapes, including the rugged coastline and ancient rock formations.

The climate in North West Australia is tropical, with a wet season (November to April) characterized by heavy rains and a dry season (May to October) with milder temperatures.