Hotels in North West

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TemperaturePrecipitationMin-TemperatureMean-TemperatureMax-TemperaturePrecipitationJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec0 °C4 °C8 °C12 °C16 °C20 °C24 °C28 °C0 mm25 mm50 mm75 mm100 mm125 mm150 mm175 mm

Find Places to Stay in North West

Discover the natural beauty and rich agricultural heritage of Tasmania’s North West. Visit the charming town of Stanley, explore the stunning Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, or indulge in the region’s fresh produce. With its stunning landscapes, friendly locals, and rich history, Tasmania’s North West offers a unique and rewarding experience.

Tasmania’s North West is known for its rugged mountains, beautiful coastlines, and rich agricultural lands. Visit the charming town of Stanley, take a chairlift ride over the Cataract Gorge in Launceston, or explore the Tarkine wilderness. The region offers a diverse range of experiences, from tasting the local produce to exploring the wilderness. With its scenic beauty and unique attractions, North West Tasmania offers a truly enriching experience.

It’s renowned for its rugged wilderness, wildlife and historic towns.


Find valuable insights in our FAQs section below to enhance your North West experience and make the most of your time encountering the diverse wildlife.

Top attractions in North West include Cradle Mountain-Lake St Clair National Park, Stanley Nut, Tarkine Wilderness, The Nut State Reserve, and the Mole Creek Karst National Park.

The North West region is home to notable historic buildings and heritage sites, such as Stanley Historic Village and Highfield House, offering glimpses into the area’s rich past and cultural significance.

In North West, people are often drawn to unique attractions like the Murujuga National Park with its Aboriginal rock art, Karijini National Park with its dramatic gorges, and the Pilbara’s red landscapes.