Hotels in Clare Valley

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TemperaturePrecipitationMin-TemperatureMean-TemperatureMax-TemperaturePrecipitationJanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec0 °C6 °C12 °C18 °C24 °C30 °C36 °C42 °C0 mm4 mm8 mm12 mm16 mm20 mm24 mm28 mm

Find Places to Stay in Clare Valley

Experience the charm of Clare Valley, known for its picturesque landscapes, historic towns, and world-class wineries. Stroll through the beautiful historic town of Mintaro, explore the region’s fascinating mining history, or indulge in some of the country’s finest Riesling. Clare Valley combines natural beauty with rich heritage, making it a must-visit destination.

Clare Valley, one of Australia’s oldest wine regions, is known for its world-class Rieslings. Nestled among rolling hills, the region boasts over 40 wineries, most of which are small and family-run. Explore the heritage towns, art galleries, and the 35km Riesling Trail by bike or foot. The region’s history, picturesque landscapes, and gourmet food and wine make it a delightful destination for visitors.

Clare Valley is known for its wineries, beautiful landscapes and heritage towns.


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The best vineyards to visit in Clare Valley include Sevenhill Cellars, Kilikanoon Wines, Pikes Wines, Skillogalee Winery, and Grosset Wines.

The Clare Valley offers scenic cycling and bike trails, such as the Riesling Trail and Mawson Trail, providing opportunities to discover charming towns and scenic countryside.

Clare Valley is known for its exceptional Rieslings, its beautiful scenery and historic towns, and its Riesling Trail for walking and cycling.